WordPress SEO - 5 Tips to Get Traffic Fast

posted under by Xell™

Are you struggling to get your blog ranking in Google? Have you been trying every trick in the book but nothing seems to work. If you've been trying to achieve high SEO rankings for you blog without any success maybe you need to take a step back and find a fresh approach. WordPress SEO can be an enjoyable process if you have the right guidance. In this article I'm going to discuss some of the techniques you can use to generate traffic to your blog pronto.

1. Encourage visitors to comment on your blog. The easiest way to get people to do anything is to ask them to do it. Ask your readers for their opinion and tell them how important it is for you. WordPress SEO is originally setup with a default comment that states "No Comments." Try changing this to something more encouraging like "No Comments yet, your thoughts are welcome..." Feel the difference?

2. Update Twitter every time you make a blog post. Hopefully you've realised the importance of Twitter in generating traffic to your blog, so make sure you make an update on Twitter every time you make a new post on your blog. Another important technique with Twitter is to set up an auto-reply email for every new person who starts to follow you. You could say "Thanks for the follow, make sure you check out my blog at {LINK}."

3. Image optimization. This is an often overlooked aspect of WordPress SEO. For the images on your blog to rank in the search engines, it pays to write good "alt tags" and have a think about the file name to give the image. There is a WordPress plugin called "SEO Friendly Images" that can take all the hard work out of image optimization. You can download it for free and it will take care of this for you.

4. Create an RSS feed that readers can subscribe to. The larger the RSS button on your blog the better. Get readers to subscribe to your posts by RSS and they will be notified when you have new content on your blog. Readers can then view your posts through an RSS reader.

5. Find related blogs and post comments, leaving links back to your own blog. Search for related blogs in your niche that are getting loads of traffic and continually comment on their blog posts leaving a link back to your blog. If you continually keep doing this for an extended period of time, you'll also start to develop a relationship with the blogger that you might be able to benefit from later on.

From:Blogger Tips And Tricks


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