How to Install a New Blogger Template Easily

posted under by Xell™

Installing a new Blogger Template is an easy task and it can be done in just a few minutes.

Blogger templates are in XML format and unlike Wordpress Themes that are in PHP. A Blogger template is an XML file in contrast to a Wordpress theme which can consist of image folders, function folders and numerous PHP files.

You don't need an FTP or Cpanel to transfer the XML file because you will do the transfer in your Blogger Dashboard.

To install a new template log in your Blogger account at

Click on Layout =>Edit HTML.

From:Blogger Tips And Tricks

There are two options on the Edit HTML page to install your new template. You can either upload from a location on your computer or simply copy the XML code and paste in the Edit HTML box. The upload option is recommended.

Backup your active template before proceeding by clicking on Download Template. Incase if anything goes wrong with your new template installation you can easily retrieve your previous template.

Click on browse in and find the saved new template then upload. Blogger may prompt you that one or more widgets may be lost if you proceed with the installation. Proceed anyway. Click on save at the end of the Edit HTML box or Preview to preview the template before completing installation. Then the new blogger theme will replace the former template and it can be viewed on your blog immediately.

To edit the template and add new widgets or gadgets go to Layout=>Page Elements.


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